Jazz mentor 4-24 (copy 04)

Address correction: Grace Kelly, Gene Perla, Laura Hartmann & Sheila Anderson join Jazz Mentors at the New School on April 25th!

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Hot House Jazz Guide Announcement   Jazz Mentors It's called the music business for a reason  "Creating a Buzz: Practical Tools for  Today's Marketplace"  Grace Kelly, Gene Perla, Laura Hartmann, and Sheila Anderson discuss the contemporary music landscape and business concepts of a successful career   Free and open to the public  Tuesday, April 25 @ 5:30pm The Glass Box Performance Space Arnhold Hall, The New School 55 West 13th Street, Manhattan 212-245-4802 @Local_802_AFM  Jazz Mentors connects young and emerging musicians with some of New York City's most successful artists to discuss the business of Jazz  You've mastered your instrument. Now it's time to master the business and build a career 
