Birthday celebrations 4-2 (copy 07)

Your daily "Happy Birthday Internet Celebration" brought to you by Hot House Jazz magazine

Hot House Jazz Guide Announcement: Your daily Happy Birthday Celebration brought to you by Hot House Jazz magazine 

While the jazz venues are closed, Hot House will share with you previously published features on living artists who are celebrating birthdays today. As we have been doing since 1982, we are committed to promoting our beloved musicians. Now more than ever, we need to keep them in mind, celebrate and support them. Enjoy, share, but mostly be safe and stay healthy.

JOHN DI MARTINO: Hot House - April 2019

By Elzy Kolb

CURTIS NOWOSAD: Hot House - May 2015

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On a very sad note, we are devastated by the loss of three of our dearest friends:

Ellis Marsalis


Buky Pizzarelli

Alex Layne


Our heartfelt condolences to their families.

Here is our last feature for

Bucky Pizzarelli

's concert at the Morristown Jazz & Blues Festival

Hot House - August 2016

By Don Jay Smith

our last feature for 

Ellis Marsalis

' concerts at Dizzy's.

Hot House - November 2018                                               

 Phone: 203-434-4646


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